I only just realised that I didn’t send out my weekly email to my coaching clients, I was so caught up in getting ready for a trip to Ireland that I completely forgot to set up my automatic mail box so that everyone would still get a note from me. Sometimes life gets a bit like that and we can get so caught up in the moment that we lose track of everything else.
Usually I would say this is a great place to be as it means we are in flow, on this occassion however (and I am sure you will recognise this) it was nothing to do with flow, it was quite simply down to me taking on way too much work, so much so that I worked 3 days and 3 evenings back to back and I didn’t get home from work on the Thursday evening till near 11.00 and then was up at 4.00 on Friday for the first flight to Belfast!
Whilst coaching one of my Transformational Change Practioners this week I invited her to help me work through this as I have been very aware of feeling as if I need to be available no matter what time of the day or evening for everyone. This has recently resulted in me neglecting myself, my loved one’s and doing far too much. A trait I am sure many of you will recognise.
What was interesting as she took me into trance (hypnosis), and encouraged me to look at the events of the previous week, I felt a strong tug in my stomache (Solar Plexus) which made me curious, then up popped three words (well almost three words). These were; “not wanting to let people down”, “disappointent”, and “rejection”, all in that order. Immediately I knew that taking on too much had something to do with rejection, but I wasn’t sure how it all connected. As my trainee continued to work with me and gently guided me to obeserve and notice any connection’s it very quickly became clear the pattern or programme I was running that had resulted in me taking on too much and feeling as if I had to be available whenever anyone needed me.
I wonder if you can see the pattern?
Simply put, my own experience of being let down at times in my life has resulted in disappointment, which in turn has casued me to end relationships or in other words reject people. So on an unconcious level I was coming from a place of fear as a result of a programme or pattern I have ran in my own life for many years (of which I have been mostly unware). At an unconcsious level I felt that if I didnt get back to people instantly I will be letting them down, which would result in them being disappointed in me and thus rejecting me so in order to stop that from happening I felt compelled to be available to everyone. It was a real moment of clarity as I began to become aware of how often I run this particular pattern or programme and because I know I have worked through so many layers of my stuff I was very surprised when this surfaced.
I was relieved however, because now I understand what I am doing I can change it. I can create a new healthier programme to run, and now truly transform that old behaviour and create some new positive intentions for myself. When we are able to understand the positive intention behind our behaviour’s it makes it so much easier for us to transform them and find new and healthier ways to live our life.
So why am I sharing this with you tonight, rather than the usual type of email? Well I just had a feeling that you will ALL resonate with this on some level and whenever I shift something at a very deep level I like to share because often other people may be going through a similar experience ( I will be putting it out on a blogg too!).
Hope you all have a great Easter Weekend, and it will be back to the usual email next week. In the meantime remember to make some space for yourself, listen to your audio’s and find time for you.
To your success!
Avril xxx
P.S You can also connect with me over at my Private Facebook Coaching Group I am in there most days for support and encouragement.
Sign up for my free ebook – “The Reinvention Method – 8 Steps to Reinvent Yourself and Transform Your Life…Even if you have found it impossible in the past”