PictureAs we continue to evolve in our consciousness and learn new ways of living in this world this statement becomes even more true. The only way for us to evolve and transcend to new levels of love, empathy, compassion etc.. and more importantly, personal congruence is to get very clear on those things that stop us and let go of them. Whether the letting go is about material things, relationships, attitudes or behaviours etc.., in order for us to achieve that greater power a process of deconstruction is required. November has been a month of deconstruction for many people, so if you have felt this to be a challenging month, have faith, once you understand what you need to let go of and eclipse from your life you will begin to notice a shift taking place inside, an easiness and a gentle flow as you begin to align closer to who you really are.

Have a truly beautiful day and Happy St Andrews day to all my fellow Scot’s 
Love & Light to you all – Avril ♥


If you would like to find out how Transformational Change can work for you then why not speak to me in person, call 07701 096006