
I can’t believe that this is us now at the halfway point of the year, I’m astonished at just how quick this first half of 2017 has flown in.

At the end of May, I sat down and did a review of where I am at with my business development for the year and got clear on what I want to get done before Ara finishes school for the summer holidays.

Last summer I worked five days a week, and some weekends for most of the school holidays except for a 2-week break with the family, this year I was determined to have more time off to enjoy time with Ara.

To be honest with you, I haven’t quite managed to stay on track with that plan; there are still so many things outstanding that would have enabled me to do that if I had cleared some projects off my desk. I am still hopeful though that I will be able to drop to two days a week. And this is all thanks to me finally giving in to my stubbornness and asking for help.

I have been getting help from an amazing Assistant, who has been working her tail off to help me get all my ducks in a row, and what’s more she has been doing some fantastic work for me to help me launch my “Reinvent You” online course to go with my book.

Asking for help isn’t something that comes easy for me, I have never liked asking for help and have always found ways to do things for myself and be completely independent. I always say to my clients, “you can’t do it all on your own, get some help.”  So why has it been so difficult for me to walk my talk in the past?

Well mainly because I don’t like being let down. And I kept hold of the belief “If I do it all myself I won’t be disappointed or let down.” I have had to shift that belief big time, take the risk and trust that I will choose the right person to work with me to get the work done so I can have time with Ara during the summer.

It’s important to acknowledge that getting help doesn’t mean that you are not capable or able to handle things on your own. Sometimes you need to let go of control, trust yourself and trust that others have more expertise than you, or that you just need an extra pair of hands to help you move forward.

Being able to ask for help means that you are courageous enough to acknowledge how far you can go on your own and that you are self-aware enough to realise that without help, you will potentially end up stressed and overwhelmed.

Where in your life could you do with asking for a little more help?

What stops you from asking for help?

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences of what stops you asking for help.

Have a fantastic June everyone, and remember to ask for help if you need it!
Love & Light

Avril xxx

P.S You can also connect with me over at my Private Facebook Coaching Group I am in there most days for support and encouragement.

Sign up for my free ebook – “The Reinvention Method – 8 Steps to Reinvent Yourself and Transform Your Life…Even if you have found it impossible in the past”