In the days leading up to Christmas, I am sending you all love and blessings for a peaceful and harmonious time during the holidays.
For many, this is a tough time of year, not everyone finds Christmas a time of joy and struggle during this period for a variety of reasons. I have always loved this time of year enjoying the build up to Christmas and the day itself and have done my best to understand and empathise with those who struggle at this time.
However, I don’t think I fully appreciated how difficult it can be until I spent my first Christmas without my Mum around in 2014 and now two years on, I am spending this Christmas, without both my Mum and my Dad in my life, as my father sadly passed away earlier this year.
Christmas for me now is tinged with sadness and has lost so much of the sparkle it used to hold for me. I have found myself feeling very emotional over the last few weeks and have done my best to put on a “face” so as not to impose any of my melancholy onto friends or colleagues. Thankfully, I can take that “face” off when I am in private and tend to my own emotional needs, finding time to look after me. I am also fortunate to have a very patient family who understands, so I don’t need to pretend for too long or hide my sadness away.
I know, I will be emotional, but I will create small moments of time for myself over the holiday, where I can rest or be on my own with my sadness. I have no intention of hiding my emotions away; experience has taught me that the only way to work with emotion is to acknowledge it and give it the attention and love it needs. Sometimes, just accepting the fact that I feel sad will take the edge of the sadness and allow me to transform it into something more uplifting.
All too often people do hide their emotions, and when stress levels rise these feelings come flooding to the surface in inappropriate ways, leading to frustration, anger and in worst case scenarios, actions of regret. For these reasons, it is important to allow yourself to feel and express your emotions, burying them deep inside is like a pressure cooker waiting to let off its steam, eventually, if the heat builds too much, like it or not the steam is going to be released! From experience, it is so much easier to let your emotions trickle out gently and freely as and when you need too.
If you struggle at this time of year, I want to encourage you not to put on a “face” or pretend you’re ok, acknowledge your sadness, your loss or whatever it is that’s making this time of year difficult for you. Maybe you’ve had a tough year, struggled with finances, lost a job or even a relationship, whatever it is that’s making this time of year difficult, do not ignore it, embrace this and allow yourself to feel the emotion.
Reach out for support, be with people who understand you and who will love and support you no matter what your state of mind. Take time out for you, have a long soak in a bath, listen to music or meditation audios, write, draw or do some exercise. Do anything, but just be kind to you and make you a priority. Most of all know this, at some time, no matter how tough things have been in the past, everyone deserves a break, and yours might just be around the corner.
So, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, this time of year is about bringing the year to a close, and is a time to give thanks for what has been and a time to prepare for the new year ahead, so take some time and do just that.
On that note, I would like to thank you for your kind support, encouragement and valued custom throughout the 2016 and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2017!
Avril xxx
P.s Click here for a Free Hypno-meditation for anyone who would like to restore a little bit of hope and faith back into their life and remember to join me for my annual Free New Year Generative Trance Meditation click here!
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