Many years ago I stumbled across a book which claimed that by simply using the “Law of Attraction” we can all attract to us our deepest desires and wishes; from money to relationships and successful careers.  So with great curiosity, and a huge desire to change my life I read the book and followed everything that the book suggested.  At this time in my life I was already working in the field of coaching and learning & development so was hugely aware that how we think does indeed have an impact on our day to day lives; however although I was coaching and training people on how to change their mindset I personally struggled to maintain consistently and over a long period of time, the exact mindset I was encouraging my students to adopt. A lot of my students were also saying the same, and reporting back that sometimes it was so hard to stay positive when deep down it never felt as if anything was actually changing. So when I stumbled upon the book, I really thought I had found the answer to why it was so challenging to turn both my life around and help others to do the same.

I spent the next year or so putting into action everything that was suggested by the “Law of Attraction”.  Those of you who know me, will know that when I do something I am dilligent, and very tenacious, therefore I gave this approach everything and did exactly what it suggested.  Whilst I did get some great results, there were areas in my life that just didn’t seem to change.  Yes I could visualise a new car, add it on to my vision board and put it out there to the universe and low and behold some months later I did indeed get the new car!  But for other areas of my life it just didn’t work.  So what was I doing wrong?  I really was struggling to figure it out.  

After speaking to friends and colleagues who too had been lured by the the lovely idea of the “Law of Attraction” they too confessed that on some level it works but not on the things that they really did want to change; like me they also experienced challenges when looking to change some of the really important things. So why is that? I asked both them and myself. Sadly at that time the answer never came.  Eventually I decided to put away all the books on “The Law of Attraction”, and get back to the task in hand of getting on with it; no more “Law of Attraction” just plain and simple getting up and getting on with life and dealing day to day with whatever challenges I faced and hoping in the meantime that I would be strong enough to overcome my inner battles and face any challenges ahead of me.

Many years later after a great deal of study into how our mind, bodies and soul work and evolve, I began to think about the whole idea of the “Law of Attraction” once more, which funnily enough brought it slap bang back into my face!  There seems to be more books, slogans and people selling “The Law of Atrraction” than ever before.   Every where I turn I read the words “ask and you shall recieve, the universe provides for all”, which I do agree with, but, what about those people who this doesn’t work for?  I also seem to have “attracted” quite a number of clients recently who have said to me, “I have tried and read everything on personal development and I even use the the “Law of Attraction” but still my life doesn’t seem to change”.  Well, it got me thinking again, but this time thinking from a new perspective; thinking from a new place of knowledge, wisdom and experience.

Now what I have come to I realise is that the “Law of Attraction” does work, but only if you have cleared up old belief systmes, old unworthy feelings and past events that are stored deep within the body, mind and soul.  Until this is done, you can never really make those big changes to your life that are claimed by some of the “Law of Attraction” guru’s.  The people I have spoken to who have used the “Law of Attraction” to make big changes in their life have only ever done this inconjuction with other mind, body & soul transformational change work.  I have yet to speak to someone who has used the “Law of Attraction” without working on deep rooted beliefs or feelings and who have had outstanding results.

Today when I work with my clients and students one of the first things I suggest to them is that they put away all their personal development books, and forget the law of attraction.  The reason for this is that I know that no amount of positive thinking will enable you to think your way out of old beliefs, old feelings and past events that are so deep rooted in your unconcious mind and blocked in the energy field and cells of your bodies, simply because they continue to hold you back even when you are completely unaware of it; until that is you have the courage to work through them.

The  only way you are going to get the “Law of Attraction” to work is to get to what’s blocking the very things you want to attract, and this can only be done by working on these old beliefs, feelings and past events, once cleared then the path is clear for the “Law of Attraction to really get to work.

Positive thinking your way out of things is like sticking a plaster over a cut, after a while the plaster begins to peel off and if you haven’t healed the old wounds your going to have to just keep putting plasters on to cover it up and hope that the plaster stays on a little bit longer next time; most people use the “Law of Attraction” in the same way as they use positive thinking!
So if like many of my clients and students you have wondered why the “Law of Attraction” isn’t working for you, then maybe just like me and them you are realising that there is some core work that needs done to heal old conditioning, beliefs, feelings or past experiences so that a fresh new path can be prepared in order for the “Law of Attraction” to really work for you. The next time you are sending something out there that you wish to manifest via the “Law of Attraction”, it would be worth checking first if there is an old deep rooted belief, emotion or pattern that needs clearing first, then that way you can be pretty certain whether or not you are really going to “Attract” to you, your deepest wishes and desires.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Love & Light
Avril 🙂 x

PictureIf you would like to find out how Transformational Change can work for you then why not come along to one of our Meetup groups, or to one of our Pandora Key Transformational Change Practitioner Open days, or to simply speak to me in person, call 07701 096006