This is an excerpt from “The Forgotten Mind”
Transformational Change Coaching Programme
Copyright 2012
“12 Week Guide for weekly Practices that will transform your life, wealth, happiness, relationships & habits”
“Aligning the Conscious and Unconscious Mind for Transformation”
This week is all about forgiveness. It’s not about forgiving other people, we will come to that; it’s about you! One of the biggest stumbling blocks people have that they are completely unaware of is how they continue to berate themselves for past mistakes and misdemeanors. Often, the feelings of guilt or shame because of past mistakes sit deep within us and we are usually completely unaware that these old and inappropriate feelings about ourselves are connected to a past mistake. Sometimes that mistake may have happened so long ago that we have more or less forgotten about it, or it no longer lives in our conscious mind, but somewhere deep down in the depths of our unconscious mind lies the blueprint of that mistake, and more importantly the belief about our self that developed as a result of our misdemeanor or mistake. This week you are going to take some time to get really clear on ALL of your mistakes, wrong doings, misdemeanors and forgive yourself so as you can free up a new space to create more appropriate beliefs about yourself in relation to the past.
Weekly Overview
What you will need:
1. A Daily Journal
Below is a list of all that you will be committing to doing this week, do your best to complete the tasks and if you get stuck at any point simply drop me an email and I will help to move you forward again.
1. Keep a track of your experiences, thoughts ideas, dreams, visions, shift’s. Write beliefs that come up and any that change, write how you would like your day to go.
2. Prepare your inner and outer space: Be present and aware of everything you experience. Use this time for yourself as a sacred time, because that’s exactly what it is. You are creating a space and time that will enable you to create your life exactly how you would like it to be, in alignment with your higher good, your soul purpose and the forgotten you!
3. This week you will be focusing “Self Forgiveness”
Forgiving Yourself
Make a comprehensive list of every wrong doing you have ever done, and I mean even the smallest thing!
As you make this list focus on the feelings that come up when you are writing down your mistakes. What you did; whom you were with and who or what that wrongdoing was about.
Become aware of the following feelings that may surface about yourself:
· Disappointment
· Shame
· Embarrassment
· Guilt
· Disgust
· Anger
· Blame
· Loathing
· Fear
· Selfishness
· Or anything else!
As each feeling comes up, be present with it do not push the feeling away and allow any emotion to flow. Write down how you feel in your journal, and as you do this focus on forgiving yourself. If you were to forgive yourself for this mistake what would you say to yourself? How would forgiving yourself feel? Who would you be apologizing to? (Remember this is purely journal work) Really get a sense of forgiving that part of you, whilst accepting the mistake at the same time. Do your best to write as much as you can in your journal, a statement of forgiveness for all your mistakes is ideal, ensuring all the while you remain in complete acceptance of yourself.
For example, you could say something like this..
“Even though I made this mistake (fill in the blanks) and I feel (fill the blanks) I completely and deeply accept myself and now forgive myself for (fill in the blanks) and let go of past mistakes.”
I know when I did this exercise I cried so much because I felt so disappointed in myself, however I allowed myself to feel this disappointment and as the feeling came up I stayed present with it, and allowed it to wash over me, from that place I was able to go into a feeling of deep forgiveness having accepted that at that point in my life I had let myself down.
When we hold on to feelings from past mistakes we can remain stuck in old habits and beliefs about ourselves that no longer serve us. Forgiving ourselves and letting go clears a new pathway, and forges a new alignment in our conscious and unconscious mind so we can begin creating new and more empowering beliefs that are true for us now and enables us to move forward again. Once we are able to fully embrace forgiving ourselves, forgiving others becomes so much easier!
Go For It! I completely believe in You! Next week we will start clearing beliefs, so make sure you stay present and keep a note of everything that comes up in relation to your purpose so as you can wipe those limiting beliefs completely and start again.
Until next week,
Much love & light to you, Avril xxx