I am sure like me, most people look forward to the summer time.

It’s that time of year where we can all relax, take time off to enjoy a nice break and make the most of the long summer evenings.  Sadly, this year, the summer in the UK hasn’t exactly given us the opportunity to fully induldge in all the wonderful benefits we enjoy when the sun does shine upon us all..

I love the summer and normally use it as a time to re-energise myself, and being able to put all the sweaters away and pop on a pair of sandals or a summer dress really does me make feel good.  So how do we keep ourselves feeling good when the sun is hiding behind the clouds and the rain only disappears, to reappear a few hours later!  Well I decided that I am going to enjoy this summer no matter what, and if it is not outdoors, then I am creating my own little summer time indoors.

Yes a change in perspective is in order!  

Having spent many years as a coach and trainer, I know that some problems, no matter how much we try to change them, are just simply outside our control. Therefore rather than flogging a dead horse and trying to change something you have little influence over the best way to deal with it is to simply gain a new perspective.  So that’s exactly what I have done!

I am filling the house with lots of lovely flowers, fresh scents  and uplifting music (in between wimbledon!). By doing these simple little things I am changing my own inner state and bringing a little sunshine into my soul, even if the sun is still hiding behind the clouds!  It’s often the simple things that can change our state of mind and make us feel good, so if you are struggling with this rather gloomy summer weather, why not join me and bring a little of your own sunshine indoors.

If you would like to learn how to change your perspective quickly and easily then come along to my meet up group and find out for yourself just how easy it is.

Have a great weekend everyone, and remember if the sun isn’t shining, change your perspective and make it shine inside!

Love & Light Avril 🙂

I’m attending a Meetup with Newlands Hypnotherapy\/NLP and Coaching Group http://meetu.ps/fBzxb

Getting a new perspective using NLP/Hypnosis/Energy
Jul 15, 2012 7:00 PM atwww.brookhotels.co.uk/hotels/queensferry-hotel-fife, North Queensferry
Are you fed up with going over the same old ground and feel as if you are constantly trying to change a situation or problem but never seem to move forward? This month using Nlp and Energy techniques