When Things Never Work Out For You

​​I have clients who come to me feeling down, lacking in motivation, frustrated and unhappy because things just never seem to work out for them. Working with people in this line of work, particularly with my business coaching clients, one of the biggest challenges I...

What Is Anxiety And Why Do People Suffer From It?

Everyone suffers from anxiety at times, ​  ​ It is a natural emotion that actually has value! Anxiety can be described as a reaction that anticipates danger. The common symptoms of anxiety can be both physical and psychological, and include raised blood pressure, a...

10 Top Tips When Starting Up A Therapy & Coaching Business

10 Top Tips and Tools When Starting Up A Therapy Business  Starting your own therapy business can be very daunting and at times feel overwhelming… I remember when I first started up my Hypnotherapy business I made many mistakes, wasted money and followed many ‘gurus’...

How Do I Choose Where to Train in Hypnotherapy?

I remember when I started my journey studying NLP and Hypnotherapy, there were so many courses out there from online courses, week long training to year long courses, all making big claims of being ‘world class’, ‘UK number 1 trainer’. ​So how did I choose which...

Becoming A Successful Hypnotherapist And Coach

When starting out on the journey of being a Hypnotherapist or Coach it can be all to easy to get sucked into the idea that you must get yourself out there fast, or you must launch yourself or your product in some way, and keep launching and do what all the other...

How Stop Anxiety, Panic and Flashbacks

How to stop anxiety, panic and flashbacks in their tracks! Three simple things you can do to stop anxiety, panic or even flashbacks in their tracks no matter where you are or what you are doing. 1. Manage your breathing 2. Focus on something in the present 3. Become...